After reading this and this and this I decided to knock up this dodgy prototype amazing application for S60 v2.x phones (but not v1.x or v3.x -- check your version here). Tap in some Morse code, and then send it as an SMS. Keys are:
- 1, 4, 7, or * - Dot
- 2, 5, 8, or 0 - Space
- 3, 6, 9, or # - Dash
- Left arrow - Dot
- OK key - Space
- Right arrow - Dash
- C key - Delete last dot, dash or letter
- Call/green key - Send as SMS
For a gap between letters, press space once. For a gap between words, press space a second time.
Here's the source (Google Code, GitHub), do whatever you want with it. Some ideas:
- Add short and long key press handling on the OK key for dot and dash input, with proper timing to add character and word spaces
- Centre the Morse characters and make them bigger/bolder
- More ideas
. / -. / .--- / --- / -.-- / -.-.--
Software screenshots look interesting, although I have yet to download as away on Holiday on Isle of Wight and cannot download yet. I am glad I inspired someone and will give you someone feedback when I have used. I will also add a link to my freeware list.
Posted by: Gadget17 | May 31, 2005 at 03:09 PM
My Nokia 3620 doesn't want to install it - it gives me an error message saying "Application may not be compatible with phone. Quit installation?". If I say no, it says "Unable to install. Series60ProductID needed." Any ideas?
Posted by: Roland | June 02, 2005 at 04:13 AM
N-gage gives the same error as Roland's 3620.
Posted by: Krisjohn | June 02, 2005 at 10:30 AM
Love it. Been wanting one of these seen I read about the 92-year-old beating the 13-year-old. Now, can we have an app to 'read' sms by vibrating please? Then I can read and write them without looking ;-)
Posted by: Justin | June 02, 2005 at 04:33 PM
The Morse revival starts now!
Posted by: Walter | June 02, 2005 at 04:38 PM
Love what you've done here. Not sure what your qualifications are regarding Morse - you may be far senior to myself, but, for what it's worth I'm licensed to transmit 15WPM in Morse as a UK Radio Amateur (I also run a Gadget and Technology Blog Your app rocks - but I can see ways in which you could improve it and make it a more realistic representation of actual Morse. Really, it needs to be something more akin to a ring tone creator - except with just one tone. If you could hold down a key for a continuous tone (dash) release it, then just touch the key for a quick stab (dot) and have the software recognise that as ... well 'A' as it happens - now that would be a fine bit of kit.
I've actually got a handheld device, about the size of a matchbox - that does exactly what I've described. You can, for example, place it in front of a speaker through which Morse if being played, and it will decode the dots and dahs in real time. It's awesome fun to tune into the Russians or French chatting together in Morse and see it coming up in plain English on the device's tiny display.
I'll have to hunt it out and post an image on my blog. Anyway, nice work and good to see Radio related content making itself heard through the cutting edge technological prism that is Series 60. :)
Jason Bradbury
Posted by: Jason Bradbury | June 02, 2005 at 05:21 PM
I want it! I want it!
I want it for Palm OS so I can send messages to my Dad, a long time HAM. :)
Posted by: Michelle | June 02, 2005 at 05:38 PM
Okay - just uploaded a picture of the MJF 461 Morse Reader. Had to route around in the garage for a half hour - but it's worth it. Check my blog for an image
Posted by: Jason | June 02, 2005 at 06:45 PM
Roland, Krisjohn, I've only tested on a 7610 so far., but I think I know what's up. I'll take a look some time.
Jason, I have absolutely no qualifications in Morse! That Morse Reader looks cool. But I totally agree with you, it should only need one button input and use the duration of presses to figure out dots, dashes, letter and word gaps. And play a tone. In fact, they're the first & second todos! I've an idea how to do this, and may do it, but as I don't do Morse, don't get too excited. Though If I do, I'll drop you a line.
(If anyone else wants to, this NewLC article explains roughly what to do. In InactivityDetected() you implement what your application needs to do when there has been inactivity, i.e. letter or word gap. In ActivityDetected() you implement what your application needs to do when activity is resumed after the inactivity period, i.e. dot or dash. )
Justin, vibrating Morse Reader, nice idea!
Posted by: Hugo | June 02, 2005 at 09:41 PM
Roland, Krisjohn, it was set to only install for Series 60 2.0 or later (for no reason), and your phones are v1.x, so I've set it to v0.9 (i.e. 7650) onwards. So try it now.
Posted by: Hugo | June 02, 2005 at 10:01 PM
Hey! Neat piece of soft this MorseTexter. I've got some suggestions to improve the code. It's a shame I run linux on ppc; otherwise I could test them before submitting them to you. Here we go:
Taking a look at the code I've found a typo:
else if ( iMorseChar.CompareF(_L("--.")) == 0 )
should read:
else if ( iMorseChar.CompareF(_L("--..")) == 0 )
otherwise it's impossible to put the letter 'z' (the --. code belongs to 'g')
The other thing I miss is the parentheses closing. You left that as an exercise so:
Putting an:
static bool openPar = false;
at the beginning of CMorseTexterContainer::SpaceL (src/MorseTexterContainer.cpp) and changing a little bit the parentheses rule:
else if ( iMorseChar.CompareF(_L("-.--.-")) == 0 )
if(openPar) iText.Append(')');
else iText.Append('(');
openPar = !openPar;
...should do the trick
There's no way to type nested parentheses but they're not often needed (aside from programming I mean).
I hope the code will look readable without the indenting
Thanks for your work and for releasing the code.
Posted by: Miguel Ángel | June 03, 2005 at 06:54 PM
It installs now on my 3620, but when I open the app it beeps and says "System error" then takes me back to the menu.
Posted by: Roland | June 03, 2005 at 09:49 PM
Using two keys is a good plan, for dit and dah, as that's what a keyer does and it's faster than a single one. I agree, though, that the inter-letter and inter-word spacing should be done by timing. Anybody got a Hiptop or J2ME version of this? (I started one a while back but it dropped off the list.)
Posted by: WA5ZNU | June 03, 2005 at 11:38 PM
I would love to have Morse on my cellphone. Too bad I have to buy a series 60 phone though.
Posted by: JD | June 06, 2005 at 12:18 PM
v0.07 uploaded.
Miguel, well spotted about the zed! I've fixed that. Anyone notice any other typos and let me know. I've also done the closing bracket thing as suggested, almost as you suggested (but put it as a member variable so Symbian is happy). Thanks!
Roland, Krisjohn, my guess is that the app must be using something not supported on your 3620 and N-Gage (they're both Series 60 v1.2 phones). Sorry! I've left it so it can still install on older phones, but I won't be surprised if it doesn't work on the 7650, 3650, and such like.
Posted by: Hugo | June 06, 2005 at 10:10 PM
Great App (and glad you have fixed the Zed as my Ham Callsign has that letter).
3 possible things to make better:-
1, I would like the space on middle keys, could a option to swap be added (i.e. Left Keys-Dits, Middle Keys-Space, Right Keys-Dahs)? This may also help on phones with Dodgy key layouts!
2, How about a menu option to show what the code is as a reminder? (Or Cheat Mode, show on Right what is actually made with Dits & Dahs already input?)
3, Could you make the Dits & Dahs at the top larger (x2 or x3)?
Posted by: Gadget17 | June 07, 2005 at 02:16 AM
I think the "separate key" approach to dit and dah closely matches the method used on the original transatlantic cables. Rather than spend time waiting for a dah (twice as long as a dit) the operator would use a left-right keyer. Each dit or dah was the same length, but the change was indicated by the "direction" of the signal. Sort of an early PSK system :-)
Posted by: tom glaab | June 07, 2005 at 04:40 PM
Не нахуй не нужна эта "морзянка" один хуй смс рулит... и всегда смс будет лучше морзянки... смс-ками все будут пользоваться....
Posted by: MAG | June 07, 2005 at 08:24 PM
Ты уже прославился этим сообщением. Перворусскийнах.
(Your message is full of bad russian words.)
Posted by: Moskvich | June 08, 2005 at 12:47 PM
Moskvich gi-gi
Posted by: MAG | June 08, 2005 at 05:13 PM
HAH! I just read the Russel Beattie link you put in your post about this program as an influence and noticed that he linked to the Wikipedia article on Morse code... interestingly enough he wrote his article and linked to the wikipedia article just a few hours after I had surreptitiously inserted a paragraph in the Morse article with regards to SMS, including the killer: "Morse code has consistently won the contests, leading to speculation that cellphone manufacturers may eventually build a Morse code interface into cellphones" even though I didn't have any evidence that anyone else was speculating on it except myself. I put it there anyways in the hopes that people WOULD INDEED start speculating and then perhaps someone like yourself would become inspired and actually do what you did!
HAH! Now if only we could hear Mr. Beattie's and Jason's comments to see if they read that part of the wikipedia article that I wrote and if it inspired them to write about it in their blogs. I can see from Beattie's blog that he posted his article AFTER I wrote my blurb in the Morse code article, but I can't tell with Jason.. it was the same day though that I posted my blurb.
I also put a similar blurb under SMS for good measure. Glad to see that my devious plans are paying off!
Or of course, and much more likely, it could just be a coincedence. But I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of Morse on cellphones, and am especially hopeful of a Morse revival. Thanks to you it has now become a reality and you've got EVERYONE talking about it and I am confident that we'll see it happen. Thank you!
Posted by: Walter | June 08, 2005 at 11:54 PM
Haha! I just noticed that the icon for your SMS MORSE app is morse code for SMS :) Nice one!
Posted by: Walter | June 08, 2005 at 11:56 PM
It does not work on the 7650 either. I get the same error Miguel described for his 3620.
Posted by: Omry | June 26, 2005 at 09:19 AM
It does work on 6260, great thing :)
Posted by: Vadim Kolontsov | June 29, 2005 at 04:08 PM
I've updated it to v0.08.
Gadget17, I've added your (1) and (2) suggestions:
- keys in the left column are dits (left arrow, 1, 4, 7, *),
- keys in the central column are space (OK, 2, 5, 8, 0), and
- keys in the right column are dahs (right arrow, 3, 6, 9, #).
If anyone preferred the old way, or prefers this one, let me know and maybe I'll do a setting to swap.
2, I've actually done both of these:
- a menu option to show a guide to Morse code
- a preview on the right that shows what the current dits & dahs would be
Not done 3, would be good though (to make the dits/dahs bigger, bolder, centred)
Some other stuff.
* Added a proper UID from Symbian, instead of a dev one. This just means that you should uninstall the old one (if you have it already), otherwise you'll get both old and new ones.
* As it doesn't work on 7650 (S60 v0.9), 3620 or N-Gage (v1.x), I've made it only to install on S60 v2.0 or newer phones. Sorry, dunno why it doesn't work on those older phones. If anyone knows (or even better, fixes it!), let me know.
* Added a confirmation on the exit, so you don't quit by mistake and lose your text.
Posted by: Hugo | July 04, 2005 at 02:14 AM
Thanks for the latest version! It's getting better with each version.
What it needs now is sound. When you press the input/space button to add the letter would be nice if it played sound (with an option to mute of course). (If needed I could possibly sort out morse letters and number in midi format).
Posted by: Gadget17 | July 09, 2005 at 04:31 PM
v0.10 is up:
* Now with dit and dah sounds! Sounds are played when dot and dash keys are pressed rather than when the space key is pressed. It sounds good on a 6680, rubbish on a 7610, so it's off by default :)
* Works on older Series 60 phones! All it took was to build it on a v1.2 SDK. Tested on a 7650
* Removed that unused tab
* Share the app with a friend by sending it to them via Bluetooth
* Menu tidy up - removed "Delete dot or dash" and "Delete letter". Just use the C key
Posted by: Hugo | August 11, 2005 at 05:59 PM
Been a while since posting so was about time to feedback.
I am using v0.10. Tried and works on 7650.
On Exiting (on 6600) I get an error message "App. Closed Morse". But program still works OK other than that.
One final thing, is it time to get "Morse Texter" it's own site? Or it's own Blog?
Posted by: Gadget17 | October 10, 2005 at 03:43 PM
Just suggested to a friend, then thought of you.
Symbian are now offering Freeware to be Symbian Signed. Why not see if Morse Texter could qualify at
Posted by: Gadget17 | October 14, 2005 at 02:07 AM
Thanks for the tips! I'll check it out.
As for a blog just for Morse Texter, maybe... but it's easier for me just to add more comments here :) I don't know if I'll make enough updates to warrant it anyway :)
Posted by: Hugo | October 19, 2005 at 03:50 PM
with a little modification you could make your user interface work like a real automatic telegraphy keyer paddle, also known as the iambic keyer. This type of key is widely used in the amateur world.
The principle of a iambic paddle is simple: You have two buttons. One produces a string of "ditditditdit"s and the other produces a string of "dahdahdahdah"s. If you press both keys simultaneously it produces a "dahditdahditdahdit...". This continues until you let go. Not pressing any button introduces a pause in the string of symbols. With this keyer you can produce any morse code simply by alternating the key you press.
For right handed use the index finger is used for producing "dah"s and the thumb is used for dits. Left handed operators reverse the order.
What you would need is to add a "clock" to your software so that the user does not need to insert the pauses by pressing any button, but can insert thme by NOT pressing any button.
To identify start and end of message to the software you can use standard morse code abbreviations: KA or -.-.- for start of message and AR or .-.-. for end or message. By adding proper sound to the keyer the input mechanism could be used without even looking at the display, as one does with a real morse key.
Some references:
You can see a paddle and a iambic keyer in use in the famous "morse vs sms" video:
A specification for a iambic keyer modes:
Your software should optimally duplicate the functionality of this paddle morse key:
Finally, a picture of a nice paddle:
73, Timo OH6KK
Posted by: Timo OH6KK | November 21, 2005 at 02:10 PM
how can i installit on my nokia9210i phone?
Posted by: shafik | November 25, 2005 at 04:23 PM
Timo, great ideas. Jason Bradbury suggested a similar thing above. Thanks for the links. If anyone wants to give it a shot, leave a comment for the latest source.
Shafik, unfortunately it won't work in a Nokia 9210i, only on Series 60 phones (see ). The 9210i is a Series 80 phone. If someone wants to take the code and port it over to Series 80 they are welcome to, it shouldn't be too hard. Leave a comment you want the latest source.
Posted by: Hugo | November 25, 2005 at 05:45 PM
It's easy to learn, too. To find out how, click my name below...
Posted by: LB3KB, Sigurd | November 30, 2005 at 05:09 AM
A idea I had, but unfortunately I cant implement it.
That would be a software that would translate phonebook names or caller ids to audible morse code. SO you would be able to know who is calling without looking at it. Hope someone has done it and someone else can tell me where to find it. hihihi
Felipe - PY1NB
Posted by: Felipe Ceglia | December 17, 2005 at 03:26 PM
Unfortunately it's not that easy to get the name of the caller's name in S60... But it's a nice idea Felipe!
Posted by: Hugo | December 17, 2005 at 04:03 PM
there are packages like
and that do what you want partly.
only thing they need to add to the software already there is a morse-code output function.
(would directly get rid of the sometimes terrible speech too :) )
Posted by: Andor | December 28, 2005 at 05:56 PM
i have tested this app on my n-gage qd and it installs just fine this phone uses symbian 6.1 same as 3650
thanks for this nice little app :D:D
Posted by: Mark | December 29, 2005 at 03:30 AM
All you need to do is upload morse as ringtones then allocate the appropriate ringtone to the phonebook id to get morse caller id?
Naturally the unrecognised default ringtone would have to be QRZ ;-)
Posted by: Smudge | January 22, 2006 at 12:41 AM
Smudge -- it'd take quite a while to create, copy and assign all those ringtones, but yeah, that's certainly one way!
Posted by: Hugo | January 22, 2006 at 12:53 AM
if you want to send the Morse code to a Nokia 1100 phone what will the text look like.
Posted by: cavin manuelle | February 27, 2006 at 07:16 PM
Hi, the source code can no longer be downloaded.
Posted by: owet | May 19, 2006 at 11:11 AM
Aha, thanks, well spotted. I've fixed it now, and put the latest v0.11 up.
* Show · instead of .
* Show Morse in title pane
* Show preview in navipane
* 'Clear all' re-shows instructions
* Swap 'Morse code guide' and 'Sound on' in Options menu
* Only launch html help file if found
* Dim 'Morse code guide' if html not found
Posted by: Hugo | May 19, 2006 at 12:28 PM
So far I haven't even got a mobile phone, as none of them do exactly what I want. With this application they will, but those Nokia Series60 phones are rather expensive and I don't need the rest of their features. Can this application be ported to run on cheaper phones? If so, what would the minimum requirements be?
Posted by: Aidan | November 25, 2006 at 11:00 AM
It's a fairly simple application, and in theory could be ported to run on some cheaper phones, it all depends what phones and whether the makers of that phone allow you to write software for them, and whether they let you access the messaging part of the phone.
Posted by: Hugo | November 25, 2006 at 03:13 PM
Any chance there will be support for Series60 3rd edition in the future? I believe all that is needed is a signature (real or fake) of the SIS file.
Posted by: Halvor | December 06, 2006 at 10:53 PM
You need to do a bit more than signing the SIS file, but it shouldn't be too tricky to port to S60 3rd Edition. I've thought about doing it, but I don't have a 3.0 phone so I'm not planning on doing so.
If anyone wants to port it, drop me a line and I'll email or upload the latest source. Once ported, I'll be happy to stick the new SIS file here as well.
Posted by: Hugo | December 07, 2006 at 12:03 AM
Here is the good site for Series 60 Symbian:
Posted by: iceblue | December 10, 2006 at 06:30 PM
I installed this program on a Nokia 3660 but when I run it I just get given a "System Error!" message. I'm not too technological with phones but I'd like to play with this program so any help would be great thanks.
Posted by: | December 20, 2006 at 01:35 AM
It only supports S60 version 2 phones.
Alas, the Nokia 3660 is a v1.2 phone so it won't work on that. The following are other S60 v1.x phones that are unsupported: Nokia 7650, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, N-Gage and N-Gage QD, Samsung SGH-D700, Sendo X and X2, and Siemens SX1.
Posted by: Hugo | December 20, 2006 at 01:42 AM
Ok then, thanks anyway. So how do I uninstall this program?
Posted by: | December 21, 2006 at 04:18 AM
What is the latest on this theme..? Just got a Nokia E60 for Christmas and am keen to install a feature with which I can type SMS using morse code directly. Will the application referred here work?
Posted by: Chris / LA8OM | December 25, 2006 at 07:21 PM
Anonymous -- uninstall by opening the App Manager, usually found under Tools, selecting the app and Options -> Remove.
Chris / LA8OM -- It only supports S60 version 2 phones, and the Nokia E60 is a S60 3.0 phone so unfortunately is not supported. See:
Posted by: Hugo | January 08, 2007 at 02:43 PM
is there any possibility that you`ll port this app to j2me? id really like to have it on my razr v3. im a old skool morse coder and this would really come in handy.
Posted by: ~Evil~|~Steg~ | June 25, 2007 at 02:17 AM
I recently got a crazy text message on my phone.. it came from an 11-digit number and sounded like a fast morse code. Anyone heard of this before?
Posted by: Sooka | September 28, 2007 at 11:30 PM
this would make a nice sidekick 3 app... i may try porting it over :)
Posted by: ~Evil~|~Steg~ | October 13, 2007 at 02:55 AM
~Evil~|~Steg~ -- Good idea, and good luck! Post back a link if you get anything working :)
Posted by: Hugo | October 18, 2007 at 05:20 PM
i'd like to see a morse-to-SMS program that could run under Windows Mobile on my Moto Q.
BUT even more, i'd like to see a PC application that would enable an amateur radio (ham) transcever to become essentially a remote robot gateway for receiving commands over-the-air in CW Morse on HF, or MCW tone on VHF FM, and to then connect via Internet to email accounts, read and key out received short text messages. also to allow Morse input to send SMS or email.
this would allow a very simple Morse station, portable in the field, to access WAN digital messaging via a naturally propagated wireless method.
there is already a a program called WinLink that does radio-email, but it requires a PC on both ends.
Posted by: Victor | October 24, 2007 at 06:27 PM
very interesting, but I don't agree with you
Posted by: Idetrorce | December 15, 2007 at 02:46 PM
Interesting web page is, i\'ll see you later one more time+
Posted by: Martin | March 17, 2008 at 04:54 PM
Very Good Application.
But i unable to install it on my Nokia E65
It Says: "Unable to install"
Give me any solution.................
Posted by: antro.Symbian Freek | July 02, 2008 at 10:06 AM
Hello antro.Symbian Freek,
The Nokia E65 is S60 v3.x (aka 3rd Edition), and unfortunately Morse Texter is only for v2.x phones.
Posted by: Hugo | July 02, 2008 at 12:00 PM
bla bla bla kill me i am stupid bitch porno
Posted by: boby | November 18, 2008 at 10:29 PM
Excellent work. Since Morse code is no longer a requirement for a license it was go to go the way of the dinosaur.
Thanks for keeping it alive
Posted by: Jim Webster | February 01, 2009 at 05:27 AM
map bsjvge map zlvvkm map ghtntv
Posted by: hbhfs | April 05, 2009 at 10:33 PM
does it work on a S60 v3.x or 5.x? Been using it on my Nokia 6260 for a few years, but it sank with my boat yesterday so I'm looking for a new phone.
Posted by: Cordelia | April 27, 2009 at 01:18 PM
There is similar utility for Pocket PC at the following link
Posted by: rick | July 16, 2009 at 04:57 AM
I'm currently studying for my foundation license with the North Wales ARS club. And will be taking the exam in early June and I hope to receive my M6 call sign soon afterward.
Posted by: | August 05, 2009 at 07:10 PM
i wish that morsetexter is port to symbian 3rd and 5th version. thanks.
Posted by: 9W2PJU | March 09, 2010 at 03:51 AM
Love it, thanks. The question mark comes out as an exclamation mark though.
Posted by: TK | March 31, 2010 at 02:44 PM
i got a Nokia M 86 8 Mp... it sais that my Nokia does not support sis files. what can I do?
Mike. A
Posted by: Mike. A | October 20, 2010 at 12:47 PM
Mike, assuming you mean Nokia N86 MP, it does support sis files.
Morse Texter supports S60 v2.x phones (but not v1.x or v3.x).
If you check your version in the link above you'll see the Nokia N86 MP is S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 2, aka v3.2.
Posted by: Hugo | October 20, 2010 at 12:54 PM
well.. i just tryed to install it on My Nokia N 86, and I got a reject.. saying it doesnt support sis files etc..
what should i do?
Posted by: Mike. A | October 20, 2010 at 01:07 PM
perhaps i got to download
first a service-pack ?? like on windows??
Posted by: Mike. A | October 20, 2010 at 01:11 PM
can someone PLEASE port this to s60v3? So many people need it. Please please please!!!
Posted by: Rudi | November 08, 2010 at 06:27 PM
Has this been ported to BlackBerry? Specifically an 8330?
Posted by: karl | February 17, 2011 at 11:50 PM
Is this still available on other phones? Such as samsung or does new phone model still have this morse text. It is really complicated.
Posted by: SMS Service | October 20, 2011 at 10:01 AM